Trolley Modernization – Route 36 Improvement Project, SEPTA Project No. 23-00351-AJEB

Rail & Transit Engineering

Trolley Modernization – Route 36 Improvement Project, SEPTA Project No. 23-00351-AJEB
The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) Route 36 Improvement Project is an initiative aimed at significantly transforming the Route 36 (T5) trolley to make it more accessible, faster, and easier to use. This project readies the line’s infrastructure for the introduction of ADA-compliant, low-floor vehicles, which will greatly improve accessibility for riders of all abilities. The entire line’s wayside infrastructure will be renewed, including construction of seventeen new on-street trolley stations where no facilities currently exist, to be equipped with passenger amenities such as shelters, seating, improved lighting, and wayfinding signage. Real-time information and visual and audible service announcements at these new stations will further aid passengers with visual and hearing impairments.

Completed Tasks

- Delivery of design, plans, specifications and associated documents such as staging requirements and equipment schedules for Telecommunications, Security & Public Information Display Systems (PIDS) at 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% submissions.
- Design of security systems such as Video Surveillance System (VSS) and access control.
- Design of associated network interfaces (data, CATV, and WAP connections).
- Integration of station communications system designs, including integration with SEPTA’s backend Real-Time Information / Audio Visual Public Address (AVPA) System
- Mechanical equipment design, including any ERU, RTU, heater, outdoor units as required, to be confirmed as the design evolves.
- Support of track designs to improve curves to a higher radius for new equipment and reconfigure intersections.

Project Location:

Philadelphia, PA

Project Start Date:


Project Completion Date:


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